Marianthe: 21st of November

I have begun the process with images, drawings, words, piano, rhythms and dance....
At a time when the world is making even less sense than usual... when we have a government who by all accounts could not be considered 'us'.. when wars rage and fascism cheers along.. it is perhaps strange to turn from the world and focus on the inner structures which allow for the formation of everything from our ideas to the firmaments...
but then... perhaps it is exactly what we need..
creativity requires circles and spirals ... as opposed to grids
creativity requires flexibility, pliability, empathy, going with the flow....
creativity breaths deeply, collaborates and communes...
creativity requires being present in the moment....
open to impossible potentials and multiple solutions...
honoring how things are connected.. not what sets them apart...
to simplify, quantify and place in a grid may make the world more manageable, recordable and assessable... but what do we loose in so doing?

Oral versus literate traditions.........
to turn the Egyptian Rhythm Language into a written grid would require it to be simplified...
Simplifying it stops it from being what it is.. complex, ever changing.. alive in the hands of living people who improvise and create freely with a complex and beautiful language which slips between your fingers as you reach to hold it....
The transmission of such a culture requires time..... time to be and share... time to be free...
If you have been here... please leave a message with a response :)