Rainbow ice cream in Peace park
Sharing a seat that cradles our bicycles
Tops of Torrindurup hazing diffusely into the sunset
Drips race my concentration
Staining my fingertips psychedelic paddle pop. The road trains doppler whiz past
Intermittently ongoing peristalsis of space displacing town from water
Separated from its history, nature, and beauty
Seagulls fly backwards, arcing against their unwelcome trajectory
Kangaroo paws wave and wobble
The desert calls me, the unknown beckons
The known recedes into itineraries and forms
Potentiality knocks upon my minds chrysalis
Reality crests, a feathering wave
Aching to launch
lift off
Sharing a seat that cradles our bicycles
Tops of Torrindurup hazing diffusely into the sunset
Drips race my concentration
Staining my fingertips psychedelic paddle pop. The road trains doppler whiz past
Intermittently ongoing peristalsis of space displacing town from water
Separated from its history, nature, and beauty
Seagulls fly backwards, arcing against their unwelcome trajectory
Kangaroo paws wave and wobble
The desert calls me, the unknown beckons
The known recedes into itineraries and forms
Potentiality knocks upon my minds chrysalis
Reality crests, a feathering wave
Aching to launch
lift off