Contrasts of collaborative culture,
Curtailed by restrictions, roads, and political rationales.
A pressing of mobs, simmering hyper fluid.
Multieverything in multiple everywhere.
A fractal canvas permeates island reality
Steamed pork buns are ubiquitous.
But locals tell me proper meals need rice
Kalaidascipic snacks sent from all the island state's neighbors to sponge up just a few of the sloshing export dollars.
Husbands second wives are only a boat ride away.
My taxi driver pumps the accelerateder as if it were double kicks on a base drum
If you want to protest your'll require a permit
I needed a permit to sleep in my hammock
Poor, time rich satellite suburb life
Rich, time poor finance nine to fivers
A place for everyone
But a rising tide of inequality does not lift all boats
A fragility remains. Imported by the export economy
Singapore a dandelion upon global trade winds
Curtailed by restrictions, roads, and political rationales.
A pressing of mobs, simmering hyper fluid.
Multieverything in multiple everywhere.
A fractal canvas permeates island reality
Steamed pork buns are ubiquitous.
But locals tell me proper meals need rice
Kalaidascipic snacks sent from all the island state's neighbors to sponge up just a few of the sloshing export dollars.
Husbands second wives are only a boat ride away.
My taxi driver pumps the accelerateder as if it were double kicks on a base drum
If you want to protest your'll require a permit
I needed a permit to sleep in my hammock
Poor, time rich satellite suburb life
Rich, time poor finance nine to fivers
A place for everyone
But a rising tide of inequality does not lift all boats
A fragility remains. Imported by the export economy
Singapore a dandelion upon global trade winds